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Do you ever get to the end of the month and wonder what even went right in your business? 

Then this Daily Win Tracker is the perfect solution.

Inside you will find:

A training on the Success Snapshot System

A ClickUp Success Snapshot Template + Walkthrough Training

An AirTable Success Snapshot Template + Walkthrough Training

A Notion Success Snapshot Template + Walkthrough Training

BONUS: How to Set Up Daily Reminders in Slack

Inside you will find:

A training on the Success Scorecard System

A Success Scorecard: Monthly Review Template + Walkthrough Training

A Success Scorecard: Quarterly Review Template + Walkthrough Training

A Success Scorecard: Planning + Review Project ClickUp Template + Walkthrough Training

A Success Scorecard: Planning + Review Project Asana Template + Walkthrough Training

A Success Scorecard: Planning + Review Project Trello Template + Walkthrough Training

ONLY $18
  • Total payment
  • 1xSuccess Bundle$18

All prices in USD
